My parents gave me a sport coat earlier this year. The sleeves were too long, so I looked for an experienced tailor near my home. Multiple calls later, I found a helping hand at the local Men’s Wearhouse, where the staff didn’t require me to have bought the coat in their store. I immediately drove over, where they took measurements and pinned the sleeves. A week later, I picked up my coat, tailored to fit at a reasonable cost and with professional service. I was a happy customer.

It feels as if we only, truly appreciate the plumber, tailor, electrician, teacher, nurse, or mechanic when we really, really need the plumber, tailor, electrician, teacher, nurse or mechanic. The news is full of stories on AI and cryptocurrency and the barbarians at the gate, and yet our daily lives depend on practical skills and human relationships with those in our own towns. 

My wife and I know and work with Michael Faust, an experienced handyman (if that’s the right word for someone who knows how to do just about everything). Michael runs a successful contracting business with his wife. Among other projects, they helped renovate our new office at Forisk in late 2023, and, like he told me, “I try to stay on schedule.” We work with Michael because he’s responsive, talented, and delivers quality work on time. He listens and takes ownership for the performance of his team. He is highly skilled. He’s a professional and he’s a friend.

I get tired of people saying one thing and doing another, even if it’s accidental or unintentional. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I don’t get as frustrated as I used to, but I do move on and then do my best to work with and take care of those who do what they say they are going to do when they say they are going to do it.

My Dad is one of the most honorable people I know. He’s the kind of guy you may sit next to on an airplane and talk about a book and he’ll say, “hey, I’ll mail you a copy.” Then, if you give him your business card, he will.

I am highly appreciative of the people in my life who can “do things,” whether growing food, mending fences, raising goats, speaking Spanish, or hanging drywall. I admire the person with the experience and intuition to look at a situation and figure out a workable approach, regardless the field. And I am thankful for the people in my life who consistently keep their word and live by example